
Business ideas for village

Property dealer

Business ideas for village: This thing was different in earlier times, when people gave less importance to business in the village, and considered the cities as the best place for business, through the most running business in the village, we have tried to tell that The village is also no less than a city, especially in terms of trade.

When people move from one village to another their needs are understood and if they work smartly with full planning then many times profits can be earned in villages as compared to cities.

Whereas the same work is done as a good business in the city and huge profits are also earned from it on a large scale.

How can our home business be small? And remember that every business is small in the beginning, then it becomes big because of your hard work. So let’s know about the small businesses running in the village.

Business Idea for Village: We have talked about some business ideas in this list, which you can start in the village and make a good earning medium.
Although in this list we did not include many mediums of business running in the village, which we will definitely publish in the coming article, because this business list becomes very long, so it is difficult to include them all.

Business ideas for village 2024

  1. Electronics Store
  2. Grocery Shop
  3. Poultry Farm
  4. Clothing Store
  5. Door-to-door supply of drinking water
  6. Mobile & Repairing Shop
  7. Fertilizer and seed stores
  8. Fruits and Vegetables Vending Shop
  9. Grocery Stores
  10. Animal Husbandry
  11. Milk Center
  12. Fashion Business
  13. Insurance Agency Interior Designer
  14. Festival Gift Business
  15. online marketing
  16. Ice Cream Parlor
  17. Photocopy Shop
  18. Beauty & Spa
  19. Matrimony Service
  20. Financial Planning Service
  21. Online Blogging and Website
  22. Coaching Institute
  23. Wedding Planner
  24. Gym for women
  25. Event Management Firm
  26. Jewelry making
  27. Training Institute
  28. Car Driving School
  29. Second-Hand Car Dealership
  30. Home Painter
  31. Tailoring Shop
  32. Business of making double plates
  33. Fisheries
  34. Bee or honey production
  35. Business of making jute bags
  36. Business of packaging
  37. Traveling Agent
  38. Business of making decoration items
  39. Paper Bag-Making Business
  40. Pickle Manufacturing
  41. Papad Manufacturing
  42. Candle making business
  43. Incense stick business
  44. Furniture Business
  45. Book Store
  46. Nursery business
  47. Chocolate making business
  48. data entry
  49. Become a YouTuber
  50. Cooking Class

1. business ideas for the village: Poultry Farming

 Poultry Farming
Poultry Farming

poultry farming is a business in which you do not need to stay for long to make a profit.
But this does not mean that the business of poultry farming does not have to work hard. It would be better if you take training for this so that you know all the tricks of this business and you do not have to suffer loss. If you do not have money to do this business then you can take a loan from the bank. And you can also take subsidies on poultry farming from the government.

Nowadays there are many such companies that get people to do poultry farming and give them a good commission in return, you can contact them. But these companies will give you the tender for poultry farming when you have your own land and that roadside or any such place where vehicles can easily come.
In this companies will provide you with everything related to a poultry farm, you can take care of them and sell them and in return, you will get a commission.

2. Grocery Stores – business ideas for village

Grocery Store

grocery shop Opening a grocery shop is a good option for a village business, if you have enough money to start this business then you must do this business, you can start it with a cost of Rs 50,000 to Rs 1,00,000. can do. If your budget is good then you can do it on a large scale from the very beginning.
If I talk about the wholesale grocery business, I have many friends who started small-scale and later became wholesalers. Some had good money in the beginning, so they took up the grocery store business as a wholesale business from the very beginning.

3. Grain purchase and sale

Grain purchase and sale
Grain purchase and sale

Doing the grain and rice business in the village is very profitable because our country is an agricultural country. Agriculture is the occupation of most of the people of the village. In today’s time, farmers have to face many problems in selling their grains. Most of the farmers get tired and sell the crop to middlemen at a low price.
You can solve their problems by building good relations with farmers and starting a business of buying and selling food grains in the village. For this, you will have to spend some money in the beginning and you should also have a warehouse. So that you can store the grain there and sell it when you get a fair price in the market.

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4. business ideas for Village – Tent House and DJ Service

Tent House and DJ Service

You all know about the need for tents for weddings, pujas, and other events. Tent and DJ is the best business to run in the village because people are dependent on cities due to the non-availability of tents and DJs in the village.
It is a business that can never end as the population of youth is increasing and the number of people getting married is increasing every year. If the business of tent and DJ is done with better planning, then a lot of money can be earned from it, so you should definitely do this business.

5. START A YOUTUBE CHANNEL home business ideas

START A YOUTUBE CHANNEL home business ideas creative

If you want to earn some money by staying at home then earning by creating a youtube channel can be a great option for you, for this, you must have a Google account, then create your channel and upload videos according to your knowledge and make good money Earn. You have to keep in mind that after making a video, you should also have good knowledge of video editing so that you can make an impressive video. I have had a Meena Boutique YouTube channel since 2017 and am earning a steady income from it. I share videos on many different fashion topics out there and I have almost 1000, 000 subscribers.

Few things we should know before working on YouTube

  • How do you upload videos by creating a YouTube channel?
  • What should your content be like?
  • how to make a youtube channel
  • How do you monetize a channel?
  • What is the channel name?
  • You can see our article on this. best youtube channel list

In this way how can you earn money from youtube? You should have all this information well

6. Blogging best home business ideas for women

Blogging at home business ideas for women

Blogging is a great online business idea for women as it can be done from home, for this you will need a laptop, internet connection, etc. If you have information about any field, then you can earn money by writing it on the blog. Blogging is an extremely popular way to earn money by working on a website, as it is completely self-managed. You can earn a lot

7. Bus Driving Business

If you are a good driver then you can do this business. Taking a bus ride in the village is a great business idea. I know many people who started with small rickshaws for less money. Then he started buying and running buses and today there are dozens of buses running for him.
Today every person keeps moving from one place to another for some work or the other. Understand this need of you people and do business of running buses in the village. Also, you must be a good driver

8. Hair Salon and Beauty Parlor

Today’s era is of fashion, be it village or city, different hairstyles, hair color, hair setting, eyebrow setting makeup, etc. have become common everywhere. The business of hair salons and beauty parlors in the village can be very profitable.
Since it is a running business it can be done as a small business, later you can open more branches when you feel that the business should grow.
This business can be more beneficial for women than men because women pay special attention to their beauty, from time to time it becomes necessary for women to do makeup, iron on hair, get a haircut, facial, etc.
A woman can fulfill this need by opening a beauty parlor. Although you should take a few months or one-year training related to a beauty parlor, the better service you give in this business, the more you will earn.

9. Dairy product manufacturing

Milk product manufacturing Another booming industry is milk. Countless products can be made from milk to ghee, and butter to cream. Depending on the capital and available space, you can continue to grow the range of products. All it takes is getting the right license and taking special care of cleanliness. This business can also give you a lot of profit, the cost is also very low.

10. Candle Business – business ideas for village

The demand for candles is increasing rapidly in India. Various types of candles such as scented candles, textured candles, and beauty candles are more commonly used. However, entering the candle manufacturing industry is very easy. You can start a candle manufacturing business from your home as a small-scale business and fulfill its demand globally. and can make a very good profit

To open a candle manufacturing business, you need reliable raw material suppliers, a ventilated space to manufacture candles, and a focused product line for your candle manufacturing business. This business can be started on a small scale. Anyone can start this construction business with an initial investment of around Rs 11,000

11. Rakhi making

If you are planning to start Rakhi making business then this is a good option, you can sell Rakhi online and offline. This work is being done by many people, but given the level of consumption, it has good consumption in India, it might be a good idea. This is a seasonal producer business. Cost is also very important in this business

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12. Ice block manufacturing business

Setting up an ice block manufacturing business requires a warehouse to store RO water, good machinery, and boxes. Ice is needed to keep medicines from going bad. Hotels, restaurants, bars, and pharmaceutical industries all require ice blocks to accompany their customers. This business can give good profits in summer.

13. Goat Farming

Most people consider the business related to farming business like goat rearing, pig farming, poultry farming, fish farming, etc. as small work or feel embarrassed to do such work, while people can earn more money than before from these occupations.
Along with this, you can give employment to people by including other people in the village along with you. Though the beginning will be on a small scale, you can think big for your business and gradually it can expand.
You can guess the profit in the goat farming business from the fact that – a goat becomes capable of breeding at the age of 2 years, as well as it can produce 2 to 3 children twice a year and at a time. , Now you can understand how much profit you are going to get in this business.

14. Fish farming

If you have your own pond, well, or any other medium where water can be stored. Then you should start a fish farming business.
Even if you do not have your own pond, you can take the village pond as a contract and do fish farming. If there is any problem related to money then the loan can also be obtained for that, the government itself promotes self-employment and provides loans related to it.
Knowing the nuances of this business, you can earn a lot of profit.

15. Online Tasks

This is the best business idea to work online in the village, under you can fill out online forms, Aadhar card, and PAN card services besides hundreds of other work that can be done online.
Most of the people are dependent on the village for all these things, so if you have basic knowledge of computers. So you can start this business by spending a little, and from this you can earn a lot of money today.

16. Beekeeping business ideas for village

The business of beekeeping is a very profitable business, perhaps you would know that the honey obtained from this business is sold in countries other than your own country.
There are small farmers, who must do this business along with agriculture.

17. Gym Center

Earlier, the work of making your body attractive by going to the gym was done only in the cities, but since today the village is no less than anyone, there are many people who have a special hobby of doing gym. You can fulfill this need by opening a gym. In return, you can earn a lot of money.
You have to learn all the gym exercises in the beginning so that you can teach your clients, then you need to install the necessary equipment for your gym setup. After this, you can earn money by getting people to the gym.

18. Floriculture Business

While traveling on the bus, I have seen many such places where flowers are cultivated and there is a business of selling flowers on dozens of acres of land. Flowers are also cultivated in my village. It is sold in cities at good prices.
Flowers are used for many purposes like worship, and making perfume. That’s why there is always a demand for flowers and good earnings are also there.

19. Business of making pickles and papads

Especially for women, this business is a great business, which can be done sitting at home in the village. You can start it on a small scale and you can turn it into a very big business.
If your pickles and papads taste good then they can be sold all over the country. To make these you just have to have great art, in the beginning, this business may be small, then gradually its demand will increase and you will earn money as well as a name.

20. Pani puri

Most of the people of the village consider this business to be a small business, which is not worth doing according to them. You must have seen in the cities that many people of Panipuri live in the queue with handcarts, all have very good business and they earn a lot of profit from it.
If you do this business in a village then you will not face competition like in cities. However, like in the city, your growth in the village will be a little less because the population in the village is less, still, you can earn good money from it.

21. Bookstore Business ideas for village

The stationery and bookshop business is also the best business, school kids always need such shops. You can start well in this business, then later on expanding your business, you can add other stuff to it.
The awareness of education and the right to education for all has always been increasing among the students studying under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, in this view the business of book shop and stationery can prove to be profitable.

22. construction contract business in the village

The work of construction of permanent houses is going on continuously in the village, you can start the business of taking contracts for these works. The contract is generally taken in two ways,

  1. The one who is doing the construction work will provide you with everything you need, your job will be done.
  2. The person getting the construction work will give you the amount for which you will take the contract – Your job will be to arrange all the materials and complete the construction work.
    If the business of taking contracts is done with the right mind, then a lot of money can be earned from it,
    For example, there are many people who started the business of taking contracts and later became Lakhpatis, crore husbands. The sooner you get the construction done, the more profit you will get.
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23. Medical store

It is not hidden from anyone that the medical store is a business that never closes, in today’s time every person is suffering from various diseases, it would not be wrong to say that most of life is based on medicines.
You will see ups and downs in other businesses, but the medical line business has always been profitable.
To run the business of a medical store in the village, you must have the following qualifications – A license is required for this.

22. fertilizer seed sales

Since agricultural work is more in the village, hence a need for fertilizers and seeds for the village. Every farmer has to go to the city for agricultural goods like manure and seeds, so doing business with seeds and fertilizers can be beneficial for you and also for the farmers.
The business of fertilizer seeds is one of the twelve months running businesses in which you can benefit the farmers and you can also benefit.

24. Furniture Business

The work of making doors, windows, chairs, tables, cupboards, etc. is done by the carpenter. Especially on the occasions of marriage, marriage, all these things are given in the form of dowry.
Usually, the wood is given to the carpenter, otherwise, the carpenter makes chairs, tables, etc. from the wood he has.
If you have the art of making wooden doors, windows, etc., then definitely do this work.

25. mushroom business ideas for village

The investment in this business is low and the profits are high, the mushroom business can be done both on a small and big scale. To start on a small scale, you will have to spend 50 to 1 lakh rupees, whereas if you want to start it on a large scale, you will have to spend fifteen to twenty lakh rupees.
The price of mushrooms in the market is very high. Mushrooms can be produced in villages and sold in cities because there is no dearth of money in cities and mushroom is a beneficial vegetable in every way.

26. hotel business ideas for village

Many people also like to eat in the village and eat more breakfast outside the house, so the hotel business can be profitable.
In today’s time, every person works and earns money, and if you have money, you have passion, then you should understand customer’s preferences and make them your permanent customer by giving them the best taste. If your village is on any roadside then it will prove to be doubly beneficial for you.

27. readymade garments business

Although nowadays there is a time of readymade clothes, still most people prefer to wear stitched clothes, on many occasions only stitched clothes are worn, this is a business that seems that will not work, but it is not at all.
Anyway, stitched clothes are the first choice of the people of the village. Clothes are very cheap instead of sewing clothes, this business is never going to stop.

28. organic herbal farming business

Many IIT graduates are also giving special attention to organic farming by rejecting big jobs abroad.
Everyone is making a career in the business of organic farming. It is a very profitable business, educated people can understand its increasing demand in the future. That’s why by refusing the job, they are taking a lot of interest in this business.
The demand for herbal cultivation, aloe vera, tulsi, Giloy, amla, Brahmi, camphor, etc. is very high. If you cultivate it on a large scale then you can approach big companies like Patanjali to sell your goods.

29. Incense stick business ideas for village

The incense stick-making business is very simple and risk-free, you can do it at your home. 50,000 rupees will have to be spent to start this business in the village, with this amount you can buy Agarbatti making machine.
You will find other necessary ingredients for making incense sticks in any corner of the country. This is a business whose demand can never end, incense sticks are used for worship in homes and will continue to do so.

30. Motorcycle repair work

The craze for motorcycles has increased to such an extent that almost everyone has a motorcycle at home. Obviously, if there is machinery then there will definitely be a problem. Such minor problems get punctured by the motorcycle.
If the business of motorcycle repairing can be done then later you can expand it and make it bigger. If your village is near any road then Better for you.

31. oil extraction business

Oil is extracted from different types of seed crops in the village.
Such as mustard, peanut, Taramira, sunflower olive, etc.
You can do this work only by staying in the village, you will have to spend a little to start this business.
Investing, in the beginning, can bring a lot of profit from this business later. Before starting this business, you should collect all the information related to it so that you do not have to suffer any kind of loss.

32. photography business ideas for village

I have many friends who started their businesses with photography and later converted them into a profitable business like video suiting, online centers, customer service centers, mini banks, etc. You can start with photography, and learn everything later. By doing this, you can increase both your business and earnings, because all this work is connected to computers and online, so you can do all the work related to it.

33. cosmetic shop business

Cosmetic business is also the best business run in the village. Because women always need these things.
Women can’t go to the city for everything, you can convert this need into your business. ,
The special thing about this business is that it will always run. Because the customers of this business are women.

34. Building Materials Business

The village is no longer as backward as before, development work is being done continuously, and all the people are intelligent and give first priority to building their pucca house. For this work, they have to completely depend from city to city on sticks, gravel, cement, ballast, etc.
If you can invest money in building material business in the beginning then you must do this business. In the beginning, if you do not have money, then you can also start it as a supply business like delivering cement, gravel, sand, etc. to the customer.
Provided you must have a tractor or pickup.

35. Coaching class business ideas for village

Be it, village people or city people, they understand the importance of education very well, so they want their children to get a good education.
It becomes very easy to get an education in cities as there are many coaching classes and educational institutes, but it is completely lacking in villages. Many people migrate to the city for better education of their children.
But this is not possible for most people.
If you have good knowledge of any subject then you can start a coaching business. To do this in a better way, you can bring together other people who are interested in teaching and have knowledge of a particular subject.

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Friends, earning money is very easy and it is also very difficult, earning money is not a big deal for those who work hard. But he who does not want to work, no matter how many paths are shown, he does according to his mind.
Friends, we are sorry about the village business idea, we discussed the business ideas to be done in the village, but there were some drawbacks to it, like –

  1. Basic information before starting a business
  2. How much will the business cost?
  3. From where should the raw material be brought?
  4. How much competition will there be in business?
  5. Will there be any problems?
  6. How much profit can be made?
  7. What will be the future of business?

We have not included the above list in our article, as it is a bit difficult to cover all the topics in one article. We will discuss all the business ideas in detail in the upcoming business-related article.


Question: Which business would be good for the village?
Answer: Many businesses can be done in the village but there are some businesses that can take big profits like organic farming, clothing stores, building materials, fish farming, etc.

Q: Which business to do in rural areas?
Answer: Businesses running in the villages of north rural areas like buying and selling of food grains, transportation work, vegetable cultivation, ration, clothing store, etc. are businesses doable in rural areas.

Q: How to start a small business?
Answer: If you want to do any small business then you can get a loan is given by the government, through this, you can start a small business according to your interest.

Q: Which is the cheapest business?
Answer: The cheapest business is the property dealer business with no initial cost.

Q: Which business to do?
Answer: There are thousands of types of businesses in which some money has to be invested first, and some can be started without any investment.

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3 thoughts on “Business ideas for village

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